What are the steps involved in going on a Casas short-term trip?
- Be an active member for a minimum of three months of an Adult Community, Connect Group, or Serving Group.
- Complete the application process.
- Complete the short-term trip training, which involves regular meetings with your team members. This training will prepare you in all the areas of the trip, from finances to culture.
Is going on a trip safe?
- Countries into which we send teams are secure for all parties. We do send teams to “sensitive” countries, in which our Global Partners need to take extra caution when sharing the gospel. We work very closely with these Global Partners to ensure that they continue to be some of our most successful journeys.
- All trips led by Casas Global Outreach comply with the Standards of Excellence for Short-Term Missions, which are the best practices internationally. Our focus is to work with our Global Partners overseas to ensure our trips are secure for all of the people we send. At the same time, we know no one is guaranteed safety, whether in the United States or anywhere. God asks us to follow Him in faith.