We believe baptism is an outward expression of what Jesus has done in you.

Baptism is a unique and beautiful opportunity to tell others about your faith in Jesus and the difference He has made in your life. We invite you to share your faith story with friends, family, and community through your celebration of baptism.



the Baptism Video

Why get baptized?

In the New Testament, we find the story of Jesus being baptized. Since then, Jesus’ followers all over the world have chosen to do the same. If you have chosen to follow Jesus, you are ready to get baptized. As your church community, we’d love to hear more about your story of following Jesus and celebrate with you! If you’re looking to have your child(ren) baptized please visit here for more information about child dedications.

Sign up for Baptism
the Baptism Video

Have Questions?

Should I be baptized? When should I be baptized? Do I need to be baptized again? We would love to help answer your questions! Our staff is available to discuss all of this and more at your baptism meeting.

Sign up for Baptism

A Five-Step Baptism Process

01 Sign up

Fill out our short baptism registration form.

02 Baptism Meeting

Set up a meeting with a Casas staff member to discuss your story of following Jesus and other important scheduling details.

03 Pick A Date

Come with a few date options that work for you (no less than 3 weeks away) and a member of our staff will reach out to you with available dates.

04 Get prepared

We will guide you through the process of preparing for your baptism Sunday.

05 Get baptized

We will all celebrate together as you take this next step in your faith journey.

Sign up for Baptism

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What should I wear?


    You will be given a special t-shirt to wear when you are baptized, that you will be able to keep. Please bring a towel and we recommend an extra pair of clothes to wear on the bottom to go with your baptism t-shirt. 

  • If my child is being baptized, what should I expect?


    We follow the same steps as all other baptisms with the addition of the parent(s) joining their child at the baptism meeting, helping with any preparations and being present on the day of the scheduled baptism. We will also communicate specifically with the parent throughout the process.

  • Do we provide a video copy?


    We do not provide a video copy of the baptism but it will be available to view and share through our Youtube channel.

  • Who can baptize me?


    Any other person who has put their faith in Jesus and been baptized as well.