
the Values  Video

Our Mission

At Casas, we believe that everyone has value, and purpose, and is loved by God. That’s why our mission is: Loving people into the acceptance and freedom of Jesus Christ. Everything we do is planted in that truth. We invite you to come and experience it for yourself.

Our Values


We look to Christ as the focus of our individual and collective spiritual journeys and center ourselves on Him. We seek to follow Him, emulate Him and allow His life to shape and inspire how we live each day. The incredible love that Jesus had for others generates the passion behind our desire to serve and love the people in our community and worldwide. We have a genuine affection for Christ and the example He set for us so long ago.

Supremacy of Love

Jesus said the greatest commandment is to love God with all your heart, soul, and mind. The second is that we should love our neighbor as we love ourselves. He also said that the world will know that we follow Him by how we love others. John even went so far as to say that God is love. This means that loving God and loving others is always our path forward in seeking to live for and follow Him. When in doubt, take a step toward love. We hold love above all else and filter our thoughts and actions through the desire to be people who love others well.

Image of God

Every human is made in the image of God, and that image remains, regardless of the good or bad choices a person makes. This means that each person is created with purpose and value, a reflection of God who created them. At Casas, we seek to treat each person we encounter as one who has innate value and divine purpose.


You can belong before you believe. Belief in God and Christian doctrine is not a prerequisite for being a part of our church. We acknowledge that nobody has it all figured out. As a missional church, we seek to remove barriers that might prevent people from feeling like they could attend or belong. We seek to create space, where their journey with Christ can continue to unfold, for each person who desires to be here.


We value acceptance over agreement. Simply put, we don’t have to agree in order to accept fellow human beings, a brother or sister in Christ, and a person whom God deeply loves. We do not accept others because we agree, but because each person is made in the image of God. We will have differences in beliefs and disagree about behaviors; however, those will not keep someone from belonging and having a place with us.


The church exists for all people, of all generations, everywhere. We strive to encourage the young to make space for and honor those older than themselves. Likewise, we encourage those who are older to make space for and encourage the younger generations who will continue to lead the future church. This value is reflected in how we create services, serve others in ministry, and create events.

Beautiful Mess

Life is a unique combination of both beautiful and difficult moments. We can experience deep pain but also know that the fullness of God is present and that we are fully loved. We choose not to see any one moment as all good or all bad because we live in a “God-bathed world,” and there is always beauty amidst the mess. Life, and our experience of it, is inherently complex, and we make room for that complexity by honoring and creating room for the full spectrum of human experience. 

Stories from Attendees

Hear first-hand why Casas has uniquely become a home to our attendees!

Vanessa Fajardo

“I knew after my first visit to Casas that this is exactly where I was meant to be. I was welcomed, loved, and learned that God’s love for me is something I will always have, not something that needs to be earned. The Casas community has been there for me during times of celebration as well as grief, and I’m thankful every day for the friendships and relationships I’ve made at Casas. They’ve helped me grow in faith, and have shown me so much love.”

Deneena Herrera

“I began attending Casas 26 years ago, during an especially difficult time in my life.  Today, when I look back at where I was and where I am now in my faith journey, I am both overwhelmed and overjoyed.  I was overwhelmed at how this church pointed me to Jesus in such an accepting and loving way and overjoyed at the community it has brought to me and my family.  It has been beautiful to be a part of this church living out love as Christ did, accepting people as they are and simply loving them.  I am grateful for this church community, the love it has shown, and the sense of true belonging it provides to me and all of us.”