Casas Council is a carefully selected advisory board comprised of pastor-nominated volunteer members. They serve alongside the Pastor Team to ensure that the church’s mission is realized. These individuals serve alternating terms of three years and attend regularly scheduled meetings throughout the term. As a sounding board for the Pastor Team, they offer wise counsel on various issues, including future planning, legal issues, safety concerns, and personnel matters. We count it as a blessing to have a dedicated group of gifted leaders serving on the Casas Council and decisively guiding us forward in fulfilling the vision of Casas Church.
Casas Elders is an ordained group of individuals who meet with the Pastor Team and perform a needed biblical function as shepherds. As spiritual advisors, they also care for the spiritual needs of the Casas community. Our Elders often help and partner with our Pastor Team by providing direct feedback on spiritual matters facing our staff, groups, or individuals within our church or the entire Casas community. They frequently play a pastoral role in coming alongside individuals in life-altering or traumatic situations. We are blessed at Casas to have a wonderful group of Elders who are equally balanced in love and wisdom.